Friday, September 9, 2011

I'll be on 1510 AM in Boston Saturday a.m.

 Sorry for the short notice but I'll be on the radio in Boston and over the Web from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, tomorrow. I'll be subbing for Samantha Clemens who is on holiday overseas. In metropolitan Boston, the station can be heard on 1510 AM. Online, it's

I'll be joined by Aaron Donchin and we'll be talking about the Sept. 11 anniversary, the New Hampshire primary and presidential politics, and legal issues and the death penalty.

Our guests include Marc Forter, a regional editor at in New Hampshire, based out of in Portsmouth.

We'll also be talking with Attorney David Barron, Asst. Public Advocate, Dept. of Public Advocacy, Capitol Post Convention Unit, in Frankfort, Ken.


Mark de Zabaleta said...

From Spain will be difficult to listen this station !

Mark de Zabaleta

Ivy P said...

I look forward to tuning into the show tomorrow.