Sunday, August 28, 2005

Is the FBI reexamining Oklahoma City bombing case?

In a recent WND article, it was revealed that the FBI is starting to take a second look at the Oklahoma City Bombing case: ["FBI must turn over investigation docs"]. This section of the article below says it all:
After declining to comment on the civil matters involved in the Trentadue suit, Johnson said the FBI was currently investigating the April 19, 1995, bombing. In the past, Johnson has told the media that the FBI was standing by its original investigation. "It was the most experienced and thorough in our history," he said.
The $85 million effort yielded only two federal convictions, Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh. Mike Fortier provided testimony against McVeigh and Nichols in return for a reduced sentence. Asked how many FBI agents were involved in the renewed effort, Johnson simply commented: "We don't ever disclose that type of information." Exactly when this investigation was opened and why remains unclear.
Interestingly, a Google search of this information reveals almost nothing in the mainstream press. The FBI is taking another look at the second most horrific act of terrorism on American soil and no one in the press says a word? Yikes.

Is the military targeting journalists?
The issue of journalists killed in the line of duty in Iraq has been a touchy one. Some on the left have accused the military of targeting journalists in Iraq; some on the right call those accusations outrageous and have worked to drive people who have made such comments out of their jobs.
So much for free speech.
I don't know if the military is purposely targeting journalists or not. But I worry about this because I am a journalist. I also do know that it seems that a lot of them are getting killed. And they are getting killed even when the military knows where these journalists are located.
Here is the latest round of journalists who were killed in the line of duty by our military: ["US sniper kills Reuters soundman in Iraq"].
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said early August that at least 52 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the US-led invasion to topple Saddam began in March 2003. Another 21 media support staff such as drivers, translators, and security guards have also been killed in the line of duty.
It should also be noted that Reuters staff has been under fire in the country, probably for their coverage of the occupation of Iraq: ["Media Bias in Iraq"].
No one is really safe in a war zone. The Red Cross isn't safe; medical personnel aren't safe; why should journalists expect to be safe? However, there should be some amount of safety for people doing their jobs and reporting the news. And you would think that American soldiers would know the difference between a guy with a camera and a guy with a grenade launcher ... unless you don't want the guy with the camera taking pictures for some reason.

Now she tells us?
I've been really busy working and enjoying my family so I haven't had much time to blog of late. And I guess, in some ways, that is a pretty good thing because I am really furious about what is going on in Iraq. Not so much that these folks decided that their government should be an Islamic one. Or that American women are dying so that Iraqi women will get few rights. Or that those who don't want to follow the new constitution can bring their complaints to clerics and if the clerics deem the complaints legit, they can throw out the constitution. That seems about as smart as having Pat Robertson given the authority over who should be assasinated and who shouldn't. But this just doesn't seem to be going as well as it should be. One commentator on "Meet the Press" last week hilariously noted that it was okay that women wouldn't be given rights right away because it took America a century to give women rights. Eh, I thought we were supposed to be evolving and using America of the present as an example, not America of the past.
Well, here is another person who doesn't think things are quite going so good either ... and she is a Bush supporter: ["Iraqi activist taken up by Bush recants her views"].
When we came back from exile, we thought we were going to improve rights and the position of women. But look what has happened: we have lost all the gains we made over the past 30 years. It's a big disappointment. Human rights should not be linked to Islamic sharia law at all. They should be listed separately in the constitution.
Ouch. She makes a good point in noting that the past 30 years are basically being hit. Yes, Saddam was horrible. Yes, he was a dictator who killed people. But you know what? There was a middle class in Iraq before the first Gulf War - until U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie met with Hussein in July 1990 and basically gave him the green light by saying, "We have no opinion on your Arab - Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait," and Hussein invaded and started that first stupid war. The perception that the people of Iraq didn't have it pretty good in the past under Hussein is a false one. Was it ideal? No. Is it ideal now? No. Will it be an ideal democracy after all is said and done? Probably not. It makes all this death and destruction even more difficult to watch.

Don't moms always drive us nuts?
Even the president has a mom problem now ... and it just won't go away! Check this out: ["Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides"].
“I’m not meeting again with that goddamned bitch,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”
Instead, Bush will go to Idaho ["My Private Idaho"], where Philip Zeikow is holding a seminar and he will again brief him on how he didn't know a thing about Usama bin Ladin wanting to fly jets into buildings a month before it actually occurred. Nope, didn't see the papers, didn't happen ...

Is it time for the beautiful boys to go?
Gov. Mitt "Guy Smiley" Romney, a potential candidate for the presidency in 2008, got nailed by the Boston Herald yesterday with this: ["Mitt backs war, but his boys are safe at home"].
"No, I have not urged my own children to enlist.I don't know the status of my childrens' potentially enlisting in the Guard and Reserve," Romney said, his voice tinged with anger.
No, his boys are busy jet skiing on Lake Winnipesaukee and building mansions in Belmont, Mass. next to daddy's mansion. All that war stuff is for the little people dontcha know. But they'll supposedly "support the troops" and keeping pumping gas into their SUVs!
Interestingly, Ross "Rocky" Anderson, the Mayor of Salt Like City, who endorsed Romney in 2002 in his run against Jill Stein and others, is against the war and is quite loud about it: ["Salt Lake Mayor's Anti-War Stance Reverberates Beyond Conservative Utah"].

Short takes:
The Cars to reunite? Maybe, with Todd Rundgren on lead vocals: ["Revving Up The Cars"]. It is bad enough that the awful Ben Orr is dead and buried. If Ric Ocasek isn't on board, it isn't a reunion worth checking out.
Go out and buy a Leonard Cohen CD right now!: ["Leonard Cohen sues over alleged $5M fraud"].

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