I don't care what they say about all this "living until 150" stuff. Eighty-four is a pretty good clip in my mind and we should all be so lucky. Charlton Heston was one of the greatest. Here are a few scenes from his life and career worth acknowledging:

Heston as "Omega Man," a film panned by most. But to some like me, this is a sci-fi classic and so much better than the digital animation fest remake, "I Am Legend," released late last year.

Heston as Moses, parting the Red Sea, in "The Ten Commandments." An epic considering the film was produced in 1955. Thankfully, ABC continues to run this picture around Easter and gives it the holiday respect only held for "It's a Wonderful Life," another gem.

Heston standing up for freedom via the Bill of Rights, most specifically, the Second Amendment. So lost on most these days. If anything, modern times have revealed to the American people why the Founders created the Bill of Rights and why each and every one of them should be cherished and protected. The Second Amendment isn't just about gun ownership - it is about the right of revolution. Americans should cherish, respect, and protect their rights ... or they will lose them.
And last, but certainly not least, his appearance in "The Planet of the Apes," an amazing film which was so far ahead of its time [As was the first sequel to the film]. YouTube has the most important scene - the end - online above with the total late-1960s hottie Linda Harrison.
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