Sunday, March 29, 2009

Boston Tea Party radio ...

Phil Keon, left, and Chuck Morse, host the Boston Tea Party radio program on three stations in eastern Massachusetts.
Last Friday, I sat in on two hours of talk radio with Chuck Morse and Phil Keon. It was, not unlike my February appearance, a good time. Chuck and Phil are now calling the show Boston Tea Party radio, which is a bit cooler than "Chuck and Phil," in my humble opinion. The topics ranged from the situation at the treasury to local politics and media.
Both Phil and Chuck take things from conservative standpoint so having me in the room puts a spin on things. Interestingly, or maybe not so, I found myself agreeing with them on issues more than disagreeing. I think last time Chuck said I was getting more conservative but I don't know. I think I'm just getting more realistic. Phil seems to take things from a more commonsense view while Chuck gets a bit more esoteric [this is meant to be a compliment]. And, admittedly, we all got off on tangents.
But, hey, would you rather have an intelligent conversation about real issues or talk about silly stuff like the other shows? Life is too short and things too complicated to allow yourself to get distracted by crap radio. And let me tell you, there is a lot of crap out there. Chuck and Phil get meaty, and I like that.
When the show gets posted online, I'll put up a link. Right now, you can find out more information about the show here: ["WBNW"].

1 comment:

Tim Smith said...

Ahoy~ Boston Tea Party radio~

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