Saturday, December 23, 2006

More 2008 news
Here is the latest stuff

Nah, nah, I said it first: ["Bayh looks solid as running-mate material"]. As we all know, Sen. John Kerry lost in 2004 on his own. Winning Indiana, with 11 Electoral College votes, wouldn't have helped him. But it might help the next person who runs, especially if that person is chastised by the media and talk radio as being too liberal. Personally, I haven't seen a serious presidential candidate, beyond Ralph Nader, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, and the Rev. Al Sharpton, who was really that liberal.

Romney drags out his announcement: ["Romney poised for 2-step presidential announcement"]. The more media, the better, especially when it shows off that perfect Guy Smiley hair and genetic code.

Ugh, all the more reason Hillary shouldn't run: ["If Hillary runs, Bill could make or break her campaign"]. This is so true. And because the former president is so damn self-obsessed, he will probably be more worried about fixing his legacy than actually helping her win. Although, Hillary doesn't seem like someone who is going to take too much sh*t from Bubba. The question will be, Who is going to regulate the former president's entourage to make sure there are no more Lewinsky-type problems.

Sung to the Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the U.K.": ["'I have no future, says Jeb Bush"]. This should, thankfully, put to bed the whole Clinton vs. Bush stuff. Now if we could just put the Condi vs. Hillary stuff to bed too ...

John Edwards will announce in New Orleans, then make stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina, according to a liaison to the campaign. Wonkette has this about his recent Christmas email ... showing off the gams of his oldest daughter: ["Edwards wishes you a leggy Christmas"]. Here is the picture, since I'm on his email list too:

Research 2000 poll for KCCI-TV in Des Moines [Dec. 18 to Dec. 20]:

John Edwards 22%
Barak Obama 22%
Tom Vilsack 12%
Hillary Clinton 10%
John Kerry 5%
Wesley Clark 4%
Dennis Kucinich 4%
Joe Biden 1%
Evan Bayh 1%
Bill Richardson 1%

John McCain 27%
Rudy Giuliani 26%
Mitt Romney 9%
Newt Gingrich 7%
Condoleeza Rice 4%
George Pataki 1%
Jeb Bush 1%
George Allen 1%
Sam Brownback 1%
Rick Santorum 1%
Duncan Hunter 0%

The Hedgehog Report has more polls here, including side by side match ups from this poll: ["2008 Polls"].

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