Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday short takes

Manch Mayor Frank Guinta will not run for governor this year: ["Frank Guinta won't challenge John Lynch"]. This is interesting. Just a couple of weeks ago, he was struttin' around like a proud peacock. Does this open the door for former Franklin Mayor Tony Giunta?

Mike Gravel joins the Libertarian Party and will attempt to win their nom in May: ["Gravel Joins the Libertarians"]. Very interesting. I've known George Phillies, the central Mass. Libertarian activist who is running, for a long time. He's a good man. This will be an uphill battle for Gravel. But who knows?

Mike Huckabee makes some interesting comments about the Obama/Rev. Wright situation:

Think you're paranoid? Well, you may not be alone: ["The Truth About Fusion Centers Will Blow Your Mind"]. I wonder if this has anything to do with this: ["Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'"]. Or maybe this: ["Which bank is going to follow the Bear?"]. And while Rome burns ...: ["Split Is Forming Over Regulation of Wall Street"]. Sigh.

I meant to post this last week but spaced it. Crybaby Clinton Kossacks: ["Pro-Clinton Bloggers Boycott Kos"]. I won't pile on Hillary Clinton for her outright lying about Bosnia. No need to. Others are doing it. Dan Kennedy does writes some stuff here: ["Clinton under fire"].

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