Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Dodd talk clock ...

Thanks go out to the Chris Dodd for President campaign for putting together another Dodd clock:

Once again, it says a lot. Once again, the host got more time than the majority of candidates. Once again, what now could be considered the second tier - Biden, Dodd, and Richardson - got a fraction of time the frontrunners received. Kucinich, all alone alone in the third tier, now that Grandpa Gravel has been taken off the stage, got a fraction of the frontrunners. I didn't see the debate because I had to work. But it is sad that Sen. Gravel was kept out of the debate. Not once was he asked about his sales tax proposal, probably one of the most interesting legislative initiatives Americans could look at and take seriously.

Over at Daily Kos, with more than 2,600 votes cast, 35 percent think Edwards won the debate, with Obama coming in at 18, Hillary at 17, Dodd at 10, Kucinich and Biden at 9, and Richardson at 3.

Apparently Kucinich admitted to seeing an unidentified flying object during the debate: ["UFOs and Alien Life"]. Note to the mainstream press, lots of folks have seen things in the sky they can't explain or don't understand and that doesn't make them crazy or weird. In fact, it probably makes them even more qualified to be president.

Go Ralph Go, Go Ralph Go: ["Ralph Nader Sues Democratic Party"]. Again, biased media alert here: "Consumer advocate and 2004 independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader sued the Democratic Party on Tuesday, contending officials conspired to keep him from taking votes away from nominee John Kerry." Hello, it isn't about "taking votes away" it's about giving voters more than two options and EARNING their votes. Ugh, I hate the mainstream press sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we know a hit when we see one - may you be rewarded