Saturday, June 12, 2010

Politizine reaches milestone: 2,000 posts

This is Politizine's 2,000 post. Wow. It's hard to believe that there have been so many posts here, spanning seven and a half years.
As any regular readers know, some years have been more fruitful than others. Work and family are taking a lot of my time these days. And, like a lot of folks, I'm goofing around more on other sites like facebook than I would like to admit (at 300-plus friends, many who I haven't talked to in years). And who really cares what I think anyway, right?
Earlier this morning when I posted the radio note, I noticed that Blogger was offering new templates. About 20 minutes later, and some new code for a couple of the rail features, and ta-dah, Politizine has been redesigned.
Here's to another 2,000 posts and many more years. Thanks for reading.

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