Monday, January 7, 2008

Pictures from the primary

It is the day before the New Hampshire primary. I went to take in one more event - Mike Huckabee hanging out in downtown Concord, chomping on a "Huckaburger."
Well, I showed up early and it was a mob scene: A good chunk of Huck's supporters was already inside chowing down. Late bloomers, members of the media, including "Hardball's" Chris Matthews, and a slew of Ron Paul supporters, were huddled outside hoping to catch a glimpse of the candidate:

Since it was a madhouse, I wasn't able to get in and check out the burger. But some FPC kids did:

Here is what the Ron Paul supporters had to say:

Voters, activists, and Mike Huckabee supporters, wait for the presidential candidate to come by and check out a hamburger named after him.

Obama supporters hoot and holler on Main Street in Concord today.

The Iraq Veterans for Peace parked their bus outside the State House in Concord earlier today.

More "One Day of Iraq War" flags outside the State House. They should consider making up a smaller version of the signs for people's lawns.

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